Your club news, pictures and catch reports from any club waters.

Plus anything else fishing related that you think may be relevant and of interest to our club members.
(PLEASE – no spam or adverts for sunglasses, or promises to increase your performance away from the water, etc)
We are attempting to increase the interest, content and variety of the club website for the benefit of all our members.
Please send photos, reports, etc to or
We cant promise to publish everything, but will publish what we can.

  • If possible please rename your photos to include the water name.
  • Please feel free to provide any relevant background detail, such as bait, method, or tactics used.
  • No need to tell us the exact spot if you do not wish it to be revealed.
  • Please tell us if you do not want your name used in connection with the photograph or report.

Latest photos can be viewed here.