This is a small Trout Fishing Beck coming from Teapot Dam in Goose Eye, Laycock, Keighley.
Good beck fishing for wild Brown Trout in a Woodland setting.
Fishing starts at the footbridge , near the main road entrance and covers both banks upstream for about a third of a mile, skirting around the base of Teapot Dam.
Entry and parking is the same as Teapot Dam.
Park on Holme House Lane, (the cobbled road) allowing room for other vehicles to pass.
Turn left onto the main road, walk up towards the bend.
Pass through the small gap in the wall to your right and follow the path over the beck.
Fishing starts from this bridge.
Park on Holme House Lane, (the cobbled road) allowing room for other vehicles to pass.
Turn left onto the main road, walk up towards the bend.
Pass through the small gap in the wall to your right and follow the path over the beck to the fishery.
Fishery starts at the footbridge and continues upstream for about 1/3rd of a mile.