Habitat Improvement at East Riddlesden Hall


The Wild Trout Trust obtained funding from Yorkshire Water to improve fish habitat on lengths of river which were leased from or adjacent to Water Authority property and Jonathan Grey who is their Research and Conservation Officer contacted local angling clubs early this year in search of suitable projects.
As at least some of the East Riddlesden Hall length lies opposite Marley sewage works, we put it forward for consideration. The Wild Trout Trust were interested in the two Becks which enter the Aire on this length as they show promise as potential spawning sites for adult fish as well as refuge sites for fry and small fish.
Work started yesterday 22nd October on Howgill beck which is the lower of the two tributaries.
Non angling volunteers from Computershare joined forces with members of the S&TA and Appletreewick Barden & Burnsall, Bradford City, Bradford No 1, Knaresborough and Skipton clubs.
The group started work clearing dead vegetation from the banks and removing debris from the beck.

Structures were placed in the beck including paired woody (willow) deflectors to create pinch points to focus the flow and clean the substrate,


some large woody material to create localised scour and deposition,


along with willow brushwood mattresses and willow whips again to stabilise banks.


Work will continue next Saturday (29th October) concentrating on Granby Beck. Meet 0930 in lower car park at East Riddlesden Hall.