Closed Season – Coarse Fish


Close season begins 15 March 2021 – Coarse fish

Last year saw a significant increase in the number of anglers, with many taking the opportunity to try fishing for the first time or after some years. This is great news for angling and we hope those new or returning to the sport are enjoying it.

We want to take this opportunity to make those new to the sport aware of the coarse fish close season which starts soon. This is a period when fishing is not allowed on rivers, streams, drains and on some canals and some protected stillwaters. You can still fish on most other canals and stillwaters. This is to protect coarse fish during their main spawning season and help fish stocks flourish.

The close season runs from 15 March to 15 June inclusive and you cannot fish for coarse fish on those waters. If you do you risk being prosecuted facing a court appearance and a potential significant fine. Environment Agency officers, supported by the Angling Trust Voluntary Bailiff Service, will be patrolling rivers during the close season as part of the annual Operation Clampdown. As well as checking for close season angling, they will also be making sure other serious offences aren’t taking place under cover of the close season. If you see any illegal fishing or anything else that poses a risk to fish, please report it on 0800 80 70 60.

Please make sure you are fishing legally by checking the fishing rules.
Local byelaws will tell you any waters where this could apply. Please check byelaw guidance here.

Remember the coarse fish close season and help protect the fish you love.