Bingley Angling Club, Wray Wood, Top Limit

PLEASE NOTE – There is a new fence at the top of the length marking the boundary, It is to the downstream side of the bridge across to Flint Mill. The fence cuts across the field and meets up with the bottom end of the concrete and stone wall which runs down from the weir.   Where this fence meets the wall is the UPPER LIMIT for fishing on a Bingley Angling Club book. No fishing is allowed upstream of this point   The strip of the wall and grass between the fence and the bridge is PRIVATE LAND! Members Continue reading WRAY WOOD 2019

Rye Loaf litter pick update

Meet for this Saturdays’ Aire River Trust litter pick will be at the gates of Dowley Gap Household Waste Reclamation Centre at 10AM (latecomers are advised that there will be parking available at the bottom of the slip road on the left hand side as you drive through the gates). Volunteers are advised to wear boots and warm clothing – litter pickers, gloves, bags and hot drinks will be provided by the organisers. Contact nick.milsom@aireriverstrust.org.uk for more information. The next litter pick will be on April 20th we will post more info on that event as soon as possible.

Aire Rivers Trust Litter Picks

The latest Aire Rivers Trust litter pick is this Saturday 24th March at Charlestown, meet at 10 am at the “eastern end of Dockfield Road” (Shipley) – by the viaduct and Woodbottom footbridge. Boots and warm working clothes are advised but gloves, litter pickers, bags (and tea, coffee and biscuits) will be provided. There will be another litter pick at Rye Loaf Meadow, Bingley on April 7th, and one on the 20th April at another site. We will post further details on these events as soon as we have them, or you can contact the organiser nick.milsom@aireriverstrust.org.uk for more information.