This water has recently been stocked with Barbel and should offer some good sport in the near future.
[box type=”tick”]Day Tickets are available for this water[/box]
Other main species include Grayling, Trout, Chub, Roach, Dace, & large Pike.
The Rugby Club length offers good Chub fishing , and all three stretches offer good Fly Fishing for Trout.
Day tickets are available for this water from local tackle shops and Newsagents in Crossflatts. See our Agents Section
Rights are held for parts of both banks between Beckfoot Pedestrian Bridge and the upstream boundary of Myrtle Park (right bank downstream) – Gas Pipe Bridge / Railings alongside the Riverside Walk – below the Ferrands Arms Car Park (left bank downstream). See notice boards.
Plus Congs, Cricket Field length (Right Bank Downstream) Below Myrtle Park (two fields)- please see the map below for start and end points
Bingley, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16, UK