Improvements to your angling environment at Coppice Pond.
The aim is to complete fencing around the far side of the pond, creating enclosed areas to protect planting of new shrubs.
When completed it should help prevent unnecessary access to the water in the areas where the vegetation has been trampled and stripped leaving naked banks. Access to pegs will be maintained.
We need your help to complete this work. There are a few work party dates for Coppice Pond work parties over the next few months all Sundays.
January 17th (This week)
February 7th,
February 28th,
and 20th March.
Planting of shrubs will also be done within these dates.
No fencing or planting experience needed, just a willing positive attitude.
If you can help in any way, contact Charlie on 07954-781992 or just turn up on the day from 9.30am, (probably finished by 1pm)
Tools that may be handy to bring with you if you have them – work gloves, spades, hammers, wire cutters, pliers, post driver, ground auger.